Dick Inches

Updated: MARCH 30, 2020

Dick inches are an informal unit of measurement. Dick inches are much shorter than traditional inches because dick inches were developed because men typically overestimate the size of their penises.

There is no formal standard for dick inches. They are an arbitrary unit of measurement used to overestimate things.

More About Dick Inches

Dick inches are usually used by males. Dick inches can of course be used to measure penises, but in many instances this unit of measurement is used to overestimate things that are not penises or related to sex in any way.

Just as a man might claim to have a nine-inch penis when it’s closer to a five-inch penis, he might also say he has plenty of space to park in a parking space only if he is measuring in dick inches. People use dick inches to make things sound larger than they actually are.

While there is no standard for measuring dick inches, some suggest that a dick inch is between 1 and 1.5 centimeters, compared to a convention inch which is 2.5 centimeters.


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