
Updated: JULY 3, 2017

Hyperphilia is a condition which gives individuals a higher than normal level of sexual response or desire. As a result, people with hyperphilia, known as hyperphiles, typically have sex more often than the average individual.

Hyperphilia is the opposite of hypophilia, which is characterized by a lower than normal level of sexual response of desire.

More About Hyperphilia

While many humans crave sex, the desire of a hyperphile is compulsive. A number of sexual conditions are types of hyperphilia, including nymphomania, satyriasis, and Don Juanism. The condition also overlaps with multiphilia, a condition which sees people regularly seeking new relationships.

There is both a physical and mental component to hyperphilia. The condition can be characterized by genitals that are more responsive than the usual to sexual stimuli, as well as persistent sexual desires and fantasies. They often find it easier to have orgasms than the average person and seek out sexual activities more than their peers. These encounters may involve just one person or multiple people. The partners of hyperphiles may be known to them or someone they met shortly prior to engaging in sex. Hyperphiles may also employ the services of sex workers to satisfy their urges.


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