Sex education

Sex Stories We Love: Big Time Fantasy, Beyond Foreplay, & Talk Dirty to Me

Published: JANUARY 13, 2016 | Updated: FEBRUARY 14, 2022
Giants, foreplay, and adult virgins - oh my!

Did you make it through the first week of the new year? Did you break any resolutions yet? I see you kept an important one: you’re back reading Sex Stories We Love!

Big-Time Fantasy

A long time ago, I had a very short career as a phone sex operator. One of my few calls introduced me to a realm of sexuality I’d never before encountered. When I was asked to talk about my client being minuscule, I was taken aback. Since then, I’ve kept track and noted the growing interest in giant fantasy and porn. In fact, according to a piece that appeared in Vocativ this past week, the top search term on the world's largest adult site is "giantess." In other words, there's a growing genre of porn popping up that features very outsized women ... or even just average-sized women interacting with tiny things.

Back on that phone call, my client took the time to detail and explain his fetish of me being huge and, remembering back, I imagine he had to do this to anyone he talked about it with. Fortunately, for those who are interested in giant fetish, there are forums to discuss and meet others. And, my oh my, is there ever some innovative and ingenious porn out there. Think blue screens!

Beyond Foreplay

One of the most important things we need to continually review about sex and sexuality is the language we use to describe it. Words have significant power and can either ignore, maintain, or challenge terms that slip into the status quo of sex. Sometimes we become so accustomed to certain phrases that they go far too long without being questioned. One of these words is "foreplay," a seemingly innocuous term that permeates many different sexual worlds. Yet, as Aerie perfectly notes in this blog from the past week, foreplay inaccurately places too much emphasis on penis-in-vagina sex, with even further expectation that that sex then ends when the penis orgasms. Of course, there are many different types of people having many different types of sex, some of which cannot be accurately described with a before or after signifier. It is an excellent read and reconsideration.

Talk Dirty to Me

On the topic of sexual language, many people are completely turned on by the idea of dirty talk with their partner, but entirely confused about how to start. Strong sexual language is far out of many people’s daily vocabulary. So, knowing what to say, when to say it, and wondering whether or not your sexy speech will actually turn your partner on can be an intimidating prospect. This great guide to wicked whispers and smutty speech by esteemed eroticist Cameryn Moore provides a great introduction and details on how you can incorporate some lurid language in your play. Best tip of all? You need to talk about your sexy talk before you get into your sexy talk. Communication is one of the hottest words in our dictionary.

Dancing Around Homophobia

Take a good look at this "controversial" clip from the cartoon "Steven Universe." Do you even catch the differences? Apparently, the two female characters dancing together was just too much for the children of the United Kingdom. Cartoon Network substituted that scene with alternate footage. When I first glanced at this article, I was expecting a truly shocking animated display of lady lust. But no, they danced. A sensual-looking dance ... but a dance nonetheless. How this could be upsetting to little Nigel and Kitty is beyond me! This censorship is indicative of our continued fear of positively representing queer folks to kids. It is time for homophobia to take a final bow and shuffle off our stage.

Dirty Dewey Decimals

I am going to guess that I’m not the only person reading Kinkly who would enjoy a vacation centered on a trip to a library. I sure know that someday I really need to visit the New York Public Library's extensive collection of erotica and sexual literature. Just imagine row upon row of collected sexual publications to peruse and amuse. Not only is this prospect extremely titillating, but it is great to know that some people recognize and appreciate the value of such documents and publications. For centuries, these works would have been kept under wraps, dirty little secrets to be passed around to a select few. By curating an ongoing collection of sex works, the NYPL is ensuring future understanding of sexual history.

The 43-Year-Old Virgin

If I were to meet Mohammed Abed, I’d want to give him a high five. I’m not sure if he’d have a free hand to receive it, but that is completely understandable. Mohammed suffered a significant injury to his penis in childhood that left him without a penis. However, as we learned in Vice this past week, medical science has given him a new cock. After all this time, he's ready to rock! Mohammed’s medical marvel took three years to fully heal and become functional. Now that it is, Charlotte Rose, Britain’s Sex Worker of the Year for 2013, has offered to help the fella out in losing his virginity. Talk about a story with a happy ending!

Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is a sex-related media gadabout. For more than 20 years, Jon has been putting sex into our daily conversations at his long-running site SexInWords—as a writer, editor, publisher, sex toy reviewer, radio host, workshop facilitator, event producer and more. These days, he focuses on writing for Kinkly, GetMeGiddy, The Buzz and PinkPlayMags and editing Jason Armstrong's series of Solosexual books. In 2015, Jon edited Cleis Press' Best Sex Writing of the...

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