
Updated: NOVEMBER 18, 2019

Agrexophilia is sexual arousal caused by knowing that other people know about your sexual activities. Related to exhibitionism, agrexophilia doesn't require a direct audience; the agrexophiliac only needs to know that other people are aware that they are having sex.

More About Agrexophilia

Agrexophilia is similar to exhibitionism in that in involves other people being aware of the agrexophiliac having sex. However, an agrexophiliac doesn't need people to visually witness the sexual act; simply being aware that people know about it provides the arousal.

This can be expressed in different ways: bragging about upcoming sexual activity, being loud enough so that neighbors can hear, or other behaviors that announce your sexual activity.

As with all paraphilias, people should seek treatment only if the paraphilia becomes problematic. Most people can learn to manage their fetish in a healthy and consensual way.

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