Pussy Magnet

Updated: APRIL 18, 2016

A pussy magnet is an object or a person that attracts women. It is can be a brand new sports car, a guitar, a thick wallet, a yacht, a nice apartment, and more. It is always a thing that can be bought and mastered. It is never about the person, or his or her outstanding qualities, although it is often used to refer to someone who has the things that tend to attract the women.

More About Pussy Magnet

Because a pussy magnet is a thing, anyone can buy it in the hopes of attracting women. This is both good and bad. If one feels not confident about themselves enough for love and affection, then buying a pussy magnet can be a solution. However, one should consider the quality of women that a pussy magnet attracts. A woman attracted to a thing, and not a person's qualities, may be materialistic. A relationship with them can be hard to maintain during financially trying times.

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