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Sex Stories We Love: Porn Can Help, Custom Creations, & Rear Naked Choke

Published: AUGUST 2, 2017 | Updated: FEBRUARY 14, 2022
What better way to celebrate the heat of summer than to get all warm and moist with some juicy stories on one of our favorite subjects: porn!

It's mid-summer here at Sex Stories We Love correspondent headquarters. The office is abuzz with warm weather and hot times! So, what better way to celebrate the heat of the beat than to get all warm and moist with some juicy stories on one of our favorite subjects: porn! Yup, this week's top sex news is all about porn. Let's dive in, shall we?

Porn Can Help

This is an awesome story of beginning to overcome sexual trauma, but finding help in a most unusual aid. Over the years we’ve heard many different stories of people being attracted to and even preferring porn that does not depict their preferred sexual connection. When the U.S. version of the TV drama "Queer As Folk" aired, straight women swooned over all of the male bodies and what those bodies were doing to each other. When his friends suggested that Robert Kelly, a “gay-leaning, queer man,” check out lesbian and queer porn, he was skeptical. Having suffered a significant abuse, he was very much at odds with his sex life and sex, in general. But something happened for him, and his story in Vice this past week is one that can make us all think a bit about how sex can change our perspectives.

Custom Creations

Porn is an ever-changing world and industry. It was a slow build from the invention of moving pictures on film through to the 1970s, but since that point, in the past 40ish years, porn has been full-steam ahead as an up and down roller coaster of new tech and cultural shifts. From videotape to digital to internet to streaming, porn doesn’t stop evolving. Yet one thing has definitely stayed the same: people want to see really specific acts for their sexual gratification. Like, really, really specific acts. This has been true ever since the days of stag films, but now, given the options available to produce and record in high quality and then provideit online, bespoke porn could become the next growth industry in the porn universe. And, as you’ll read, it just might be what many people really need.

Rear Naked Choke?

There was a huge UFC fight this past weekend ... if you’re into that sort of thing. You know, big, sweaty men and women rolling around clutching and grabbing at each other, and giving each other a real pounding. Some might suggest it could cause other thoughts or inspiration to arise. If that is the case for you, check out this recent piece in Buzzfeed - can you tell the difference between an MMA fight and gay porn?

Still Lots to Fix

I will often tell you about the good things happening in porn and how porn can be a positive influence. Don’t mistake my positivity for naivety. And we’re all right to look at porn with a general side-eye until everything about it is cleared up. Two stories had people looking a little leery recently. First, Wet, the lube company, announced with glee their sponsorship of James Deen. Has enough time passed since the many accusations of sexual abuse came out about Deen? Have the industry and fans forgotten? I don’t really think so. Nor should we be ready to embrace with open arms Rashida Jones just because she’s seen the porny light. Her documentary “Hot Girls Wanted” and writing were pretty inflammatory against the porn industry. But she’s reconsidered. Is this good enough to forget that past? It's a good question, and one that, unfortunately, comes up far too often these days.

Real Sex / Porn Sex Venn

On the other hand, someone we should all trust to have a better understanding of sex and porn and where those two intersect and where they differ is JoEllen Notte. Many people do have some confusion about the porn sex, real sex Venn diagram, but JoEllen does a wonderful job breaking down the idea that we need to stop differentiating between the two and come to an understand that they aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. Yes, there are some things about porn that warrant further critical thought and discussion, and there are other parts that are routinely demonized, but that could totally be someone’s turn on. By denying them that potential for pleasure through shame, we can easily inhibit someone's good, sexy times.

Have a...Seat?

Finally, some folks, it seems, liked their porn in a more, physical version. Check out Catherine the Great’s fascinating furniture!

Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is a sex-related media gadabout. For more than 20 years, Jon has been putting sex into our daily conversations at his long-running site SexInWords—as a writer, editor, publisher, sex toy reviewer, radio host, workshop facilitator, event producer and more. These days, he focuses on writing for Kinkly, GetMeGiddy, The Buzz and PinkPlayMags and editing Jason Armstrong's series of Solosexual books. In 2015, Jon edited Cleis Press' Best Sex Writing of the...

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