
Sex Stories We Love: Cervix Awareness, Sex Work and a Man With Two Penises

by Kinkly
Published: JANUARY 7, 2014 | Updated: JANUARY 7, 2014
2014 has only just begun, but this year's sex stories are getting off to a great start.
It's only a week into 2014 and already someone has blown up the Internet in a way that may make 2014 a year to remember as the year that that happened. And by that, I mean the man with the username DoubleDickDude who did an AMA ("ask me anything") on Reddit about his having two fully-functional dicks. The Internet then exploded with people making two dogs, one bun jokes. The interview was actually very educational and, yes, he does answer all those naughty questions you thought of before you finished reading this paragraph. Yes. There are pictures. And yes. This is a real thing.

Yo Twitter, Sex Workers Don't Need "Saving"

Meanwhile on Twitter, sex workers were using the hashtag #NotYourRescueProject to protest those trying to "save" women from the sex trade. As a sex worker who chose the sex industry, I found it fascinating to read the tweets and see why other women chose sex work, and what they felt they had gained from it.

When Sex Work Gets Covered in the News

Speaking of sex workers, Melissa Gira Grant published a great wrap-up of the best writings about sex work in 2014. Lots of interesting posts. Too many to summarize. You will just need to top off your coffee and head over to read them yourself.

What We Learned About Sex in 2013

Huffington Post published their "10 Things We Learned About Sex in 2013," like that sex cures headaches and women end up waiting slightly more than the doctor-recommended six weeks to have vaginal sex after childbirth and that hormones affect sexual desire. Thanks HuffPo, but wasn't this the wrap-up from 1973?

The Blot had a much more interesting yearly wrap-up and pointed out a few stories even I missed. My favorite was the guy in Texas who tried to make a "horseman baby" with his neighbor's horse. His words. Not mine.

Got Cervix?

Finally, January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. If you, man or woman, have a cervix in your life, this is a good month to learn about cervical cancer and HPV. Tests and vaccines make this form of cancer preventable with proper screenings and and treatable if caught early. Even though it is a couple years old, Buck Angel's Public Cervix Announcement (below) is a good reminder that transmen also need to get their cervixes serviced.


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