Giantess Porn

Updated: JULY 21, 2022
Reviewed by Kinkly Staff
on April 4, 2022

Giantess porn is pornography featuring very large women, or giantesses. It reflects a (typically) male fantasy or fetish that is referred to as macrophilia, which means "lover of the large." However, it is not fat or even tall people represented in giantess porn - it's giants whose size discrepancy is far greater than that seen between actual humans. Although giantess porn can include non-sexual fantasies reminiscent of the old movie "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman," such as huge women crushing people, cars and buildings under their huge feet., it also includes highly sexualized imagery of giant women masturbating, inserting tiny men or engaging in other sex acts.

In giantess porn, actresses are made to look larger than life through camera tricks and the use of small models. It is also a common theme in animated or hentai porn.

More About Giantess Porn

Although no published research exists on macrophilia, it is also believed to include elements of Dominance and submission, as the macrophile, or viewer of giantess porn, enjoys the fantasy of being powerless and at the mercy of a giant woman. It is also focused on the outsize nature of the subject's breasts and genitalia.

As with many fantasies, the internet has helped contribute to the interest in giantess porn and macrophilic fantasies. In 2015, Pornhub's Year in Review noted that interest in giantess porn had experienced a 1091% gain year over year.

Not everyone who consumes giantess porn, especially image porn, does so for sexual pleasure - some simply find it fascinating or fun.

Giantess porn and fetish fantasies include a number of scenarios, including:

  • Tiny people being ingested, played with or inserted into the vagina of a giant
  • Being stepped on by a giant
  • A giant stepping on cars, buildings and generally causing destruction
  • Watching a giant pleasure herself or control the sexual pleasure of another person or people

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