Sex education

Sex Stories We Love: Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto, The Depths of Porn, Toe-tally Hot

Published: JANUARY 17, 2018 | Updated: FEBRUARY 14, 2022
In this week's Sex Stories We Love, we look at sex robots, porn so rare only one man finances it, foot fetishes, and more!

There really is no way to explain it, nor should we have to do so. Many people like sex and we seem to like it in lots of different forms and styles. Some of these are problematic, yes, but for the most part, no harm, no foul. So why are we still always curious about the different types of sex people are into? Maybe it's only natural? In this week's Sex Stories We Love, we'll dive into some of the fascinating sexual habits that popped up in the news this week.

Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto?

In recent years, sex news has been dominated by "Fifty Shades of Grey," polyamory, and now ... sex robots. The possibility that we may someday be having sex with robots has blown the collective mind. Has the future come true? Will hoverboards finally become a thing? For all of the talk, including the many pros and cons surrounding the possibility of sex robots, I actually wonder what the conversation would have been like 50+ years ago when robots in sci-fi were all the rage. Had they been able to actually fabricate these devices at that time, would the discussions we’re having about consent and ethics been as prominent? Would the Class B-9-M-3 General Utility Non-Theorizing Environmental Control Robot have had different functions? Or, has our more nuanced - and continually growing - understanding of sex allowed the growth of robot sex potential?

Let's Rehab Sex Parties

Some people like sex in public. Some people like sex in groups. Some people like to be watched while having sex. Put all of these together and you can understand why some people like to have sex parties. None of this is new. Not by a long shot. Call it an orgy, call it a play party, call it a swing party, call it a key party. There are some differences, but there are also some general similarities. And it is remarkably easy to fuck up the whole situation. When stories come out, like those of this scandalous Silicon Valley sex and drug parties, the whole idea of group sex gets a really bad name. Yet those situations are about displays of wealth, power and control. You get that junk in the mix and things are bound to go sour. Instead, whether you’re attending or hope to organize an event yourself, do a lot of research. Here’s a good start. Wouldn't it be great if we lived in a time where sex parties could just happen? For sure! Are we there yet? Unfortunately, no.

Re-Imagining Orgasm

We have so many preconceived notions about what sex should be. Fortunately, we’re starting to get past the idea that sex is all penis and vagina (sort of), but there are many different ideas that folks have had ingrained in their sexuality from an early age. One of these is the concept of orgasm - including when, where and how we have them. For too long, women’s orgasms were ignored, men’s were seen as the end of sex, and we all believed that any orgasm was entirely genital-based. Maybe there is more to this physical and psychological sensation known as orgasm. Take a look at this video about touchless orgasm. Are you curious? Would you try it? Watching makes me curious if we’re really just holding ourselves back from so much more…

The Depths of Porn

You’re all familiar with Rule 34, correct? If not, this is the belief that if a thing or idea exists, then there must be porn of it. Go ahead, play along at home. Think of some curious concepts and do a search. Personally, I looked around, saw a remote control and yes, there is remote control porn. I saw a copy of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, and, yup. I even looked for something as mundane as an umbrella. Oh boy. Not mundane.

So, it should come as no surprise that at least one person in the world has sea monster fantasies and wants some custom porn of his desires. That he is willing to pay, and that there are companies who make people’s fantasies come to life on screen makes this a mutually beneficial arrangement. Kudos to him for asking and for custom porn companies for making it happen. This feels like the most positive manifestation of someone’s otherwise impossible desires.

Toe-tally Hot

There’s no way to talk about different kinds of sex and not mention fetishes. Rule 34 can be applied to fetishes as well. If it exists, someone is surely turned on by it. This time, we’re not looking at the obscure. Do you know what the most popular fetish is? Year after year, as lists are put together of the different things people are into, foot fetish invariably tops the list. Folks are really into feet! As we move rapidly forward with new technologies, particularly in online gaming and interaction, we’re finding that people are clamoring for more from their online sexual experiences. They want more than the PinV and whatnot. They want sexy toes and elegant arches. If you’ve been looking for some hot online foot fun, check out this list of foot fetish games that will knock your socks off.

Fear Is OK

Finally, have you ever been too physically afraid to try something new sexually? You’re not alone. We’re not all gymnasts (or interested in the latest sexual fad).

Jon Pressick

Jon Pressick is a sex-related media gadabout. For more than 20 years, Jon has been putting sex into our daily conversations at his long-running site SexInWords—as a writer, editor, publisher, sex toy reviewer, radio host, workshop facilitator, event producer and more. These days, he focuses on writing for Kinkly, GetMeGiddy, The Buzz and PinkPlayMags and editing Jason Armstrong's series of Solosexual books. In 2015, Jon edited Cleis Press' Best Sex Writing of the...

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