New sex toy to know

Frisky Friday: Tenga Spinner

Published: JUNE 7, 2024
At first glance, the Tenga Spinner looks like any other masturbation sleeve, but don’t be fooled.

With its revolutionary design, the Tenga Spinner offers a brand new look at penis masturbation sleeves.


At first glance, the Tenga Spinner looks like any other masturbation sleeve, but don’t be fooled.

On the upstroke, this sleeve's unique coil design causes the masturbator to rotate in a circular motion all the way back up — providing a unique sensation you won't get from any of those other masturbation sleeves.

GIF of the Tenga Spinner being used on a glass dildo. It shows how the spiral design causes the stroker to "swirl" around the dildo as the hand moves the stroker up and down. The text on the GIF says "Spiral Motion". | Kinkly Shop

With its reusable design, you can continue to enjoy the Tenga Spinner's rotational pleasure over and over (and over…and over…and over…).


Conveniently, the Spinner's packaging also doubles as a drying stand for easy clean-up.

No wonder it won the 2019 Reddot Design Award!

Kinkly Shop's #1 Toy of 2021

Just this once, we'll let you see behind the curtain of the Kinkly Shop so we can share this fun fact: in 2021, the Tenga Spinner was the best-selling toy in the entire Shop.


You read that right: out of all 996 toys we sell, the Tenga Spinner was #1.

It also happens to be the most-reviewed toy on Kinkly Shop, with an overwhelming number of customers giving it a full 5-star review!

How the Tenga Spinner Works

The magic of the Tenga Spinner comes from the semi-firm "coil" that runs along the outermost edges of the material. This flexible coil builds up tension during the regular up-and-down stroking movement of masturbating a penis. Like any object under tension, the Tenga Spinner coil attempts to release some of that tension.


Since the coil is built-into the surface of the Tenga Spinner's squishy sleeve itself, when the coil "releases" that tension to come back into its resting state, it drags the Spinner's surface with it so the masturbation sleeve literally spins and twirls along the shaft during a natural up-and-down stroking motion.

Easy Cleaning in Seconds

Tired of penis strokers gathering hair and lint on the side of your sink while you lay them out to dry? Or maybe you have a small countertop and you're tired of your strokers taking up valuable counter space for days as they dry?

The Tenga Spinner has an innovative solution. The unique packaging doubles as a storage and drying stand! When you're done cleaning the Spinner, place it into its drying stand base. It holds the stroker upright and uses the power of gravity to drip-dry your Spinner. The holes in the base allow for aeration and help dry your stroker faster than most other strokers out there.


We recommend tapping the base on the countertop a few times to help shake out some of the excess moisture in the stroker to speed up drying.

When the Spinner is fully dry, slip on the packaging's lid and base to fully protect the stroker. Now you can toss it into a drawer or set it out on a shelf without any concerns about dust, lint, or other grime.

Or just use it again as soon as it's dry. The Spinner is so orgasmic that you might not want to go a day without it.


The Benefits of Masturbation

Turns out, masturbation has quite a few benefits — some mental, some physical, and even some social ones!

Masturbation can:

  • Let you find pleasure all on your own, nothing or no one else required. No partner, no objects — nothing!
  • Relieve stress. Especially when you're feeling really pent up, masturbation is a healthy (and fun!) way to work out the energy - and feel super-satisfied afterwards.
  • Reduce the risk of poor decisions. "Horny brain" is totally a real thing for a lot of people, and being able to reduce your arousal before you head into a sexy situation can reduce your risk of doing something you might regret later.
  • Lead to better sleep. If you masturbate to orgasm, that final moment can release a natural chemical called prolactin which can make you feel sleepy.
  • Allow you to experience pleasure with absolutely zero risk of STIs or pregnancy.
  • Learn more about yourself. If you ever choose to engage in sex with a partner in the future, knowing more about what you like and dislike can make your sex life more satisfying. And you can find out all those details by giving yourself pleasure. You'll be able to direct your partner to the spots that drive you wild, and you'll be more likely to speak up when things aren't hitting right for you.

So, grab a Tenga Spinner of your own and get busy... with yourself.

Mistress Kay

Mistress Kay has a fondness for all things sexual. With a house that's quickly running out of room for all of her reading and vibrating pleasures, she spends her free time reading, writing, and learning about the sexual universe with her partners. She can be reached at Kinky World.

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