Masturbation and solo sex

7 Unique Ways to Celebrate Masturbation May

by Kinkly
Published: MAY 29, 2019 | Updated: AUGUST 29, 2021
Do yourself a favor by doing you.

If there’s a holiday I can get behind, it’s Masturbation Month. While it isn't technically a *holiday,* the month is important for so many reasons. After all, there's still stigma attached to the idea that people - and women in particular - masturbate. While the knowledge that it’s perfectly normal to masturbate is slowly filtering out to the world, the topic is still associated with embarrassment and shame.

Masturbation Month is about celebrating self love and the sexual health and well-being that comes along with it. We have two delicious weeks left in this month. Here are some ideas about how to join in the fun.

Do the Deed on a Daily Basis

Whether you’re a professional wankmaster or a complete novice, May is the perfect excuse to purchase a vibrator and enjoy yourself. Research has proved that masturbating on a regular basis is good for you. Sex therapist Vanessa Marin told Refinery29, “Your body is capable of experiencing so much pleasure; why wouldn’t you want to make that pleasure a part of daily life?” Challenge accepted!

Organize a Movie Night Focused on Awesome Masturbation Scenes

While I’m not suggesting you should purposefully organize a super-awkward movie night, there’s something empowering about positive representations of masturbation on screen. Fortunately, there are more and more realistic, fun and exciting portrayals of masturbation. To get you started, how about "The To-Do List," starring Aubrey Plaza, "Secretary," or the Reese Witherspoon classic, "Pleasantville," in which the world literally comes to life when a woman has a wank. Seriously.

Read: 10 of the Best Masturbation Movie Scenes

Replace Book Club with Vibrator Club

If you regularly attend a group of some kind, why not infuse May’s meeting with a vibrator chat? It’s the perfect chance to share advice and tips with your closest friends, and find out which vibrator you should be ordering right now. Your besties have likely tried out products you haven’t tried or discovered, or know which lube is a must-buy. Why not share the wealth? (May we suggest LELO's INA Wave? This G-spot stroking rabbit vibe is great for showing off!)

Help Dispel the Myth That Women Don't Masturbate

Since the topic used to be considered taboo, some people aren’t sure whether they should talk about it. In my opinion, no-one can discuss it enough. May is a great excuse to talk about a subject that’s probably close to your heart. After all, a 2008 study found that 92% of women masturbated with some regularity. Chances are, you’ll be preaching to the converted!

Calmly Update Your Status in Support of Masturbation Month

I’m not telling you to spam your nearest and dearest with graphic details about your masturbation habits, but you could share an article encouraging others to explore their sexuality or suggest some tips for new techniques to try. Get some likes by sharing the love.

Switch Up Sex for Mutual Masturbation

Whether you’re in a relationship, a casual arrangement, or just want to try something new, why not switch out sex for mutual masturbation. Sure, it might make you feel more vulnerable in front of another person, but you might enjoy it more than you think.

Read: Double the Fun! 5 Hot Tips on Self Touch for Two

Create a List of Your Top 5 Wanks

Pretty much everyone’s heard of a Top 5. For those who don't know, it is a a list of celebrities you’d fuck if you could. In honor of this sacred month, compile a list of your Top 5 wanks. Include as much detail as possible and let all those sexy details fuel your solo sessions.

There are so many ways you can make the most of Masturbation Month, but the most important has to be, well, masturbating. If you’re so inclined, and masturbating is something you like to do, then your time has come, my friend. Your time. Has. Come.


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