Sex quizzes

We Want to Know: How Often Do You Have Sex?

Published: JUNE 5, 2013 | Updated: JULY 14, 2020

June is Adult Sex Education Month and if there's one thing adults want to know about their sex lives, it's how they compare with other people's. It's hard not to be curious. After all, you can't really go around asking everyone you meet about how they're getting on in that department. But we're going to give it a shot - and we aren't just doing it out of idle curiosity. The more we know about what tends to hold people back in the bedroom, the better positioned we'll be to provide more resources to help all of our readers live sexier.

Whether you have a regular partner (or several), are single or are in a monogamous relationship, we want to hear about how often you do the deed. So take our quiz (it's only 10 quick questions!) and tell us how things are going. Your answers are anonymous, but we will compile and share the data we've collected, along with some great new content to go along with it.

So, what do you say? Can you tell us how often you have sex?

green Take the Quiz button
Kinkly Staff

Sex is a bit like a secret society; everyone's doing it, it's just that no one talks about it. Kinkly's mission is to start that conversation, answer your questions and help you discover new and exciting things about sex, love and your body. We guarantee it'll be illuminating, enlightening, fun ... and a little kinky. And that's OK with us.No innuendos, no judgments and no apologies, just fearless, straight-up talk about sex.

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